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Banana-Roll Removal

Banana rolls are pesky layers of subcutaneous fat that develop between the lower butt and upper thigh. These fat pockets have a crescent shape like a banana and make it difficult to wear certain types of clothing.

Unfortunately, fat in this region can be more challenging to eradicate with traditional diet and exercise, which is why many people are turning to cosmetic procedures like liposuction to treat this area. Dr.Jack can eliminate banana rolls while reshaping and contouring the lower portion of your bottom for a more shapely appearance. It is a safe, effective way to get the body you desire when diet and exercise can’t render the results you’re looking for.

What Causes Banana Rolls?
As genetic factors are likely most responsible for fat distribution, people of all ages, sizes, and genders can experience these unwanted fat rolls. In addition to genetics, dietary and lifestyle choices like exercise regimen can contribute to banana roll formation. It’s also important to mention that banana rolls don’t just affect overweight people. Anyone can be susceptible to these pesky fat pockets.
How is Banana Roll Removal Performed?
The surgery begins by numbing the treatment area and making small incisions for the cannula to be inserted into the skin. In many cases, this treatment can be done under local anesthesia, so the patient remain awake and pain-free. Dr.Jack removes excess fat from the target zone and sculpts the area. Results are visible after the operation but the final results can be observed 30-40days after. It is a minimally-invasive cosmetic surgery and it has a quick recovery time.
Can a patient combines Banana Roll Removal with Other Procedures?
It’s safe to combine this type of liposuction with other cosmetic procedures. For example, some patients will simultaneously recycle the extracted fat and reinject it in other areas of the body, like the middle or top of the buttocks for a fuller, more rounded shape.

Interested in Banana-Roll Removal?

If you are interested in Banana-Roll Removal, feel free to contact us by submitting the form.

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